What is composite filling?
Composite filling is a filling method used in tooth structure disorders caused by problems such as decay, fracture or crack in the teeth. The deteriorations in the tooth structure are repaired with composite filling and in this way, a more aesthetic appearance is obtained in the teeth.
Composite filling, also known as resin filling. It is formed by the combination of ceramics and different chemicals. Composite filling method can be easily applied in posterior teeth as well as providing successful results in anterior teeth.
However, in aesthetic applications, it is used more in anterior teeth in order to obtain more the same color teeth. In terms of price and performance, composite fillings are one of the dental materials that provide very satisfactory results.
How is Composite Filling Made?
In the application process of the composite filling, first of all, some points are paid attention and everything is done in order. Accordingly, the following steps are followed in a composite filling application;
First, the caries, if any, are cleaned in detail in the tooth to be filled with composite filling.
Composite filling, which can be easily applied with local anesthesia, can also be performed without the need for anesthesia.
In order to fully prepare the tooth to be applied for the filling, some touch-ups as well as cleaning processes are completed. Then the filling material is placed.
In addition, during the application phase, the composite filling is corrected in the most appropriate way to the original structure of the tooth.
The reason for the correction process is to take the most suitable shape of the composite filling during bite or tongue surface control.
What Happens After Composite Filling?
After the composite filling, sensitivity to both hot and cold beverages and foods may occur on the tooth. This condition is considered completely normal. In addition, this sensitivity disappears in a short time and on its own after the acclimatization period. On the other hand, after the application of composite filling, the care instructions given by the dentist must be strictly followed. In addition, after the application, both oral and dental health are protected and necessary care is closely related to the longevity of the filling.
What are the Advantages of Composite Filling?
One of the most important advantages that come with composite filling is that it is aesthetic. In addition, composite fillings are usually the same color as the tooth and polishing can be done immediately after filling. It does not cause any allergic reaction in any way, and provides a great harmony with the oral tissue.
Its natural and aesthetic structure is among its most important advantages. The biggest reason why it is preferred by many people is that it displays a natural and aesthetic appearance in the mouth after the application.